Women's Retreat
Wonder Full World
"For God so loved the world" John 3:16, NLT
WonderFull World retreat is a Bible-based women’s retreat program designed to help women grow in their relationship with God and develop lasting friendships with each other. In this retreat, women explore "I wonder" questions about their purpose and identity, and discover God’s world-covering love together. Whisk women away on a virtual travel-themed adventure where they’ll enjoy digging into God’s world, uplifting worship, a time for Christian service, and wonderful relationship-building activities inviting them to participate and experience God’s story. Women discover… *God cares about me *I am loved as a royal daughter *I can make a difference *I can rely on God when life is hard Cost is $135.00 per person Check-in is Friday, April 21st between 4-5:30 pm Check-out is Saturday, April 22nd at 8:00 pm REGISTRATION DEADLINE: April 1st, 2023 To register for the Women's Retreat, use the button below: |