2025 Camp Registration Guidelines
These guidelines are for the JMA sponsored summer camps.
Summer Camp 2025 registration is now open online. If you came to camp last year, your information is still on file. If you are new to registering online, below are some guidelines to help you with the registration process. After you register for camp, you will receive an email from the camp office. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the camp office at 660-699-2393 or email at [email protected]. Thank you and we will see soon at Jo-Ota!
Transgender Campers and Guest Policy
JMA Board Policy adopted January 2019
*Staff Welfare
The Jo-Ota Methodist Association believes that all campers are entitled to a quality camping experience in a safe environment. This belief extends to the campers who self-identify with a gender that is different from their biological sex.
The Board seeks to balance the privacy needs of all students with the preferences of transgender students and their parents/guardians. This policy sets forth the practices that are in place for the welfare of all of our campers. This policy does not anticipate every situation that might occur with respect to transgender campers, and the needs of each transgender camper must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Camp Jo-Ota does not offer gender neutral and/or family facilities (restrooms, showers, changing, and sleeping). All persons are required to use the male and female facilities based on their biological sex.
All campers are to wear appropriate clothing to camp. Living in the spirit of Christian community, we are trying to set an atmosphere of acceptance and modesty. Expensive “designer”, “sexually-charged”, or other inappropriate clothing does not lend itself well to the camping experience. Therefore, t-shirts and shorts are the most appropriate clothing to bring to camp. Makeup and jewelry can be left at home.
Many area churches are providing scholarships to those who wish to attend camp. Please ask your church for their discount code. If your church doesn't know their code, please have them contact the camp office via email ([email protected]). Only Adult Fees must be paid at the time of online registration.
**The United Methodist NCD will NOT be giving scholarships to campers attending Camp Jo-Ota in 2025.
The United Methodist North Central District has decided to focus their budget towards UMC camps.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the NCD office.
Safety and Health Guidelines
The safety and health of campers and counselors is always the highest priority at camp! Camp Jo-Ota will do everything we can to help prevent the spread of communicable diseases. We need your help! A healthy camp starts at home!
CAMPER ILLNESS AND PREVENTATIVE MEASURES: Please do not send your child to camp if he/she has been exposed to anyone who has a confirmed diagnosis of any communicable disease, exposed to someone who is exhibiting symptoms of any communicable disease within the past 72 hours, or has shown their own symptoms consistent with any communicable disease within the past 72 hours. If your camper shows any signs of being sick, they will not be permitted at camp. If a camper or camp staff has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, they must stay home until they have been temperature free for 72 hours. No camper or counselor is permitted to attend camp if they are not feeling well.
Sick Camper Protocol: • Most importantly, if a camper isn’t feeling well, they need to stay home. • If a camper begins to develop symptoms while at camp, we will remove them from their group immediately and contact parent/guardian. • The camper will be required to be picked up within 2 hours of being notified due to showing of any signs of illness such as, but not limited to, cough, fever, upset stomach. • All surfaces the camper had contact with will be closed/removed and cleaned. • Other parents will be informed that their camper was in a group where a child developed an illness during the day and went home. No personal or contact information will ever be shared.
Sick Counselor Protocol: • Most importantly, if a counselor is not feeling well, they are expected to stay home. • If a counselor begins to get ill, he/she will be required go home immediately-replacement supervision will be brought in to maintain ratios. • All surfaces the counselor had contact with will be closed/removed and cleaned. • Parents of his/her campers will be informed of their counselor falling ill. No personal information will be released.
Camper Immunization Requirements
Camp Jo-Ota follows the 2024-2025 Missouri School Immunization Requirements. If a student does not meet these minimum requirements, a camper’s registration can be cancelled by the camp and the registration will be refunded.
Camp Leaders & Counselors
As a camp leader or counselor of a summer camp event, we know by your time commitment in attending the camp that you value our mission. We ask that you become a member of the Jo-Ota Methodist Association. Please register as an ‘Counselor’ and expect to pay a $30 membership fee. If you are already a member, we still ask that you pay the $30 fee to go towards food and lodging expenses.
Safe Gatherings Certified
If you are registering as an adult or counselor, you will be asked if you are Safe Gatherings certified and when your certification expires. If you have received your certification, you can check HERE to find out if your certification is still valid.
We know that there are circumstances beyond your control and that you may need to cancel your registration for camp. We ask that you let us know at least 15 days in advance (if possible), so other campers may attend if there's a waiting list. Full refunds will be given to camp fees that have been paid by check or cash. Camp fees refunds paid by credit/debit card will have 10% deducted to cover fees that we are charged on credit/debit card transactions.
Transgender Campers and Guest Policy
JMA Board Policy adopted January 2019
*Staff Welfare
The Jo-Ota Methodist Association believes that all campers are entitled to a quality camping experience in a safe environment. This belief extends to the campers who self-identify with a gender that is different from their biological sex.
The Board seeks to balance the privacy needs of all students with the preferences of transgender students and their parents/guardians. This policy sets forth the practices that are in place for the welfare of all of our campers. This policy does not anticipate every situation that might occur with respect to transgender campers, and the needs of each transgender camper must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Camp Jo-Ota does not offer gender neutral and/or family facilities (restrooms, showers, changing, and sleeping). All persons are required to use the male and female facilities based on their biological sex.
All campers are to wear appropriate clothing to camp. Living in the spirit of Christian community, we are trying to set an atmosphere of acceptance and modesty. Expensive “designer”, “sexually-charged”, or other inappropriate clothing does not lend itself well to the camping experience. Therefore, t-shirts and shorts are the most appropriate clothing to bring to camp. Makeup and jewelry can be left at home.
Many area churches are providing scholarships to those who wish to attend camp. Please ask your church for their discount code. If your church doesn't know their code, please have them contact the camp office via email ([email protected]). Only Adult Fees must be paid at the time of online registration.
**The United Methodist NCD will NOT be giving scholarships to campers attending Camp Jo-Ota in 2025.
The United Methodist North Central District has decided to focus their budget towards UMC camps.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the NCD office.
Safety and Health Guidelines
The safety and health of campers and counselors is always the highest priority at camp! Camp Jo-Ota will do everything we can to help prevent the spread of communicable diseases. We need your help! A healthy camp starts at home!
CAMPER ILLNESS AND PREVENTATIVE MEASURES: Please do not send your child to camp if he/she has been exposed to anyone who has a confirmed diagnosis of any communicable disease, exposed to someone who is exhibiting symptoms of any communicable disease within the past 72 hours, or has shown their own symptoms consistent with any communicable disease within the past 72 hours. If your camper shows any signs of being sick, they will not be permitted at camp. If a camper or camp staff has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, they must stay home until they have been temperature free for 72 hours. No camper or counselor is permitted to attend camp if they are not feeling well.
Sick Camper Protocol: • Most importantly, if a camper isn’t feeling well, they need to stay home. • If a camper begins to develop symptoms while at camp, we will remove them from their group immediately and contact parent/guardian. • The camper will be required to be picked up within 2 hours of being notified due to showing of any signs of illness such as, but not limited to, cough, fever, upset stomach. • All surfaces the camper had contact with will be closed/removed and cleaned. • Other parents will be informed that their camper was in a group where a child developed an illness during the day and went home. No personal or contact information will ever be shared.
Sick Counselor Protocol: • Most importantly, if a counselor is not feeling well, they are expected to stay home. • If a counselor begins to get ill, he/she will be required go home immediately-replacement supervision will be brought in to maintain ratios. • All surfaces the counselor had contact with will be closed/removed and cleaned. • Parents of his/her campers will be informed of their counselor falling ill. No personal information will be released.
Camper Immunization Requirements
Camp Jo-Ota follows the 2024-2025 Missouri School Immunization Requirements. If a student does not meet these minimum requirements, a camper’s registration can be cancelled by the camp and the registration will be refunded.
Camp Leaders & Counselors
As a camp leader or counselor of a summer camp event, we know by your time commitment in attending the camp that you value our mission. We ask that you become a member of the Jo-Ota Methodist Association. Please register as an ‘Counselor’ and expect to pay a $30 membership fee. If you are already a member, we still ask that you pay the $30 fee to go towards food and lodging expenses.
Safe Gatherings Certified
If you are registering as an adult or counselor, you will be asked if you are Safe Gatherings certified and when your certification expires. If you have received your certification, you can check HERE to find out if your certification is still valid.
We know that there are circumstances beyond your control and that you may need to cancel your registration for camp. We ask that you let us know at least 15 days in advance (if possible), so other campers may attend if there's a waiting list. Full refunds will be given to camp fees that have been paid by check or cash. Camp fees refunds paid by credit/debit card will have 10% deducted to cover fees that we are charged on credit/debit card transactions.
If you are unsure how to register online, please fill out the printable form above and along with payment mail it to the camp office.
We will enter your information into our registration software to help get you started and provide steps for what you need to do next so your camper is all set for summer camp 2025.
We will enter your information into our registration software to help get you started and provide steps for what you need to do next so your camper is all set for summer camp 2025.